Saturday, September 7, 2013

The first 2 weeks in Social Studies Methods

Week 1:

Mon, Aug 26- Today was the first day of class. We were all introduced to our professor, Dr. Smirnova. She made us create name tags with our names on them. She had us answer 4 questions on the back of them. We then had to share our thoughts with the person next to us. Then our partners had to remember the information we told them and told it to the rest of the group we were in. This was a good starting activity to get to know my classmates!

Wed, Aug 28th- We took a class trip to the curriculum library today. The librarian, Tiffany, showed us how to access the library’s website. From there, she showed us how we can research different social studies documents that we will need for assignments & projects. This class was very useful to learn how to access resources, especially on social studies topics.

Fri, Aug 30th- We started presenting our “About Me” projects on becoming digital teachers. I learned some new things about my classmates, and about some new technology they used. Everyone was very creative, and I plan to use these technologies in this class and when I am teaching one day! I also presented my “About me” project. I have to admit I was really nervous. I am glad the class provided me with feedback about my presentation. It helped me realize things that I am doing well and some things that I need to work on. This will definitely help me on my journey to becoming a teacher!

Week 2:

Mon, Sept 2nd- We had no class! Happy Labor Day!

Wed, Sept 4th- We continued to present our “About me” projects. I was glad I could provide feedback to my classmates because I know how much the feedback helped me on my presentation on Friday. I learned about more cool technology I can use. Dr. Smirnova also gave us good ideas and tips on how to use these technologies, such as “wordle” and the survey website.

Fri, Sept 6th- Dr. Smirnova taught us how to use blogger today! I was so excited to learn how to create a blog. I was able to create the title of my page and choose a template. I named my blog “Brianna’s Blast To The Past”. I made my first post as well. Happy Friday!

View:"Friday is my favorite day!"

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