Wednesday, September 18, 2013

How do Teachers Create Tests?

Class-Wed, 9/18/13

    Today in class, we discussed different methods and guidelines on how to create assessment tests. For our homework assignment, We had to read Chapters 7,8,13 PDF articles. These articles provided tips and helpful ways in order to create multiple types of test questions. The articles gave the advantages and disadvantages of test questions such as: multiple choice, short response, matching column, and binary questions. In class we reviewed these points and made our own tests based on our readings.

Here are some examples from the PDF articles:

 This is an example of a good multiple choice question and a bad multiple choice question. The reason the first question is poor is because it contains a negative statement in the stem. Negative statements should be avoided when writing stems for multiple choice.

The is an example of a conclusion question. The first sentence is poor because the blank should not come in the beginning of a statement. The blanks should be at the end because it is a conclusion to the statement. 

This is a good example of a matching choice question. One side has statements/facts, the other side has the options to choose what best completes the match of the statement on the other side.

This is an example of a true and false (binary) based question. The first question is poor because the sentence is way too long. Binary questions should be short, but to the point statements.

What is traditional assessment?
Also known as "Authentic" assessment. Students make real-world connections with their assessments. This includes projects,essays, tests, 

Multiple choice questions include 3 things:
Keep in mind: no negatives in the stems, give as much information in the stem, avoid giving clues to the right answer, check grammar, and avoid putting the choices:"all of the above or none of the above." 
Advantages- easier to grade, reliable, students can take guesses.
Disadvantages- longer to answer, difficult to recognize.
good for- declarative assessment, testing skills, knowledge, facts. 

Binary Choices:
Choose from 2 responses. Example, True/false questions.
advantage- short, easy scoring
disadvantage- guessing poorly.
keep in mind:avoid long statements/questions, clues to answer, have proposition. 

Matching Columns:
pairing facts & relationships together.
advantage- easy to score & construct. 

Tools to create tests:
1)google forms

This is the test I created.

Today's class was really helpful to me. I have never learned in any of my other education classes about how to make a test. I did not know there were so many ideas and facts to keep in mind when creating questions. Now I know the effective ways in order to design certain questions. I will keep these thoughts in mind when I am creating tests for my students. 

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