Friday, September 20, 2013

Making Our Own Discoveries with Artifact Bags

Today's Class- Friday, 9/20/13

     Today in class, we got to explore our classmate's artifact bags. Our individual assignments were to make our own artifact bag, incorporate items based on our unit, include a book, and a website. My group, group C, did our artifact bags based on our topic: "The Declaration of Independence". At the beginning of class, Dr. Smirnova told us to get in our groups and look at each other's artifact bags. We then had to teach our group about the contents of the bag. 

My Artifact Bag:

-Tea Bag-I incorporated the tea bag because the Boston tea party was an event that led up to the signing of the Declaration. 
-Document-I incorporated a print out copy of the original Declaration of Independence document. 
-Picture of Independence Hall-I included this picture because this is the room where the document was signed. 
-My book: "What Was the Continental Congress?-This book gives a brief history of events that happened before the document was signed. It also explains the 5 W's of the event of the document signing. The book includes informational text, pictures, and questions. 
-My Website: This website, Congress for kids, is fun, interactive site for kids to read and learn about the Declaration of Independence. 

Rachel's Bag: Rachel included a picture of all the signatures on the Declaration of Independence, a picture of the authors of the document signing it, and a picture of the Liberty Bell. Her book was called "Declaration of Independence". 

Laura's Bag- Laura included a picture of the signers signing the document, and included a Copy of the Declaration of Independence. 

Anne's Bag- Anne made a homemade ink pot and feather pen out of paper, wrote down the names of the authors of the , and colored in a Colonial Flag.

Caitlyns Bag: Caitlyn included a picture of the clothing worn during the time the Declaration was signed. She also included a book that was related to the Declaration.

-Reflection on Artifact bag project: I really enjoyed taking a look at everyone's artifacts. Although we all had similar or the same artifacts, it was interesting that we were all thinking alike. This means that when we picture what the Declaration of Independence was, we have the same ideas and visuals in our heads that help us to connect to this event in history. I also enjoyed hearing and seeing what other groups did for their artifact bags. I think all the groups got really creative. I think its great that people hand made artifacts and put a lot of effort into it. I think students would have a really fun time exploring with artifact bags.

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