Sunday, September 15, 2013

Assessing our students in order to help them achieve their goals.

How can we help assess our students in order to help them reach their goals?

In order to answer this question, the answers are presented in Chapter 14. Chapter 14 gives an overview of the different types of assessment, examples of the assessments, and ways that teachers can use these assessments to help their students. 

What is Assessment? "The process of observing, collecting, recording, and documenting work students do and how they do it."

Evaluation is a way teachers can see how they can meet the needs of their student and if they are met. 

Here are examples different Methods/Modes of assessment-
1) Checklists- a list of desired behaviors for students during a lesson.
2)Individual portfolios- samples of students work.
3)Interviews- questions and answers between teacher & student on the topic.
4)Classroom Websites- website designated & designed to post assignments about class
5)Journals-logs that students add their reflections about assignments.
6)Quality circles-small groups of students have discussions about the lessons.
7)Self-evaluations-report that allows students to reflect on their progress. 
8)Letter to-student writes a letter to someone telling them about their work.
9)the self study-when students get into groups and reflect on each other's work.

For a Homework assignment, I filled out a graphic organizer about assessments:

The things I learned from the readings:
Three significant things I have learned from the reading material:
1)      Different types of assessment, I didn’t know there were several different types!
2)      The examples of assessments you can use when teaching Social Studies.
3)      The different types of Rubrics there are.

                  I could name even more elements that I learned from the reading material. Primary, I learned the most from the different types of assessment there are. I had no idea there was such a wide range of assessment teachers could use. Now I am filled with different ways I can assess my students. I will use these assessments in my classroom because I want to assess my students’ knowledge through a wide range of activities. The different examples of assessment gave me plenty of ideas I can use when working with students who are learning Social Studies. I think these examples, such as the journals, and self-evaluations, are really creative and help foster students’ thinking and creativity. Lastly, I have learned how to make a rubric, but never knew there were different types of rubrics. I will use different rubrics in order to switch up my grading material and guidelines so my students will keep their interest in what they are getting graded on. I think that authentic assessment is really special for students because they are making real world connections through activities. I know this really engages and excites students because even as a college student I can say I learn best by authentic assessment! I enjoy learning about the world and community around me so I stay informed and make a difference as a global citizen. 

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