Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Our Last Day at Field Work

Our Last Day at Field Work:11/6/13
         Today was our last day with Mrs.Benfer's 4th grade class at Bishop Dunn Memorial. In order to prepare for this celebration we had with the class, each group prepared certificates for the students. The picture shown above is the certificate we handed to the students. To begin the class, each group reviewed material with the students based on their lessons. After reviewing and pre-assessing the students' knowledge, we administered the post tests for the students to take on the computer. Each teacher went around and assisted the students if they needed help. After the students took their post-test, some teachers said a thank you to the class and shared what they have learned through this experience. Then we presented the students with their certificates. We also thanked Mrs.Benfer for allowing us to come into her classroom and for all her help.

Reflection on this experience: Through the ups and downs of this process, I walked away with more knowledge about teaching then when I started. Teaching is not an easy job, especially when you are collaborating with 5 other teachers and trying to teach at the same time. It was interesting how we had to divide parts of the lesson for each teacher to present. I thanked the students for their patience, because it can get frustrating listening to 1 teacher, none the less 5 teachers at once. I think Mrs.Benfer has a well organized and well mannered group of students. She is a great teacher, leader, and role model. The students were very cooperative, smart, and dedicated to learning. These students made our jobs as teachers easier and more enjoyable. These students were willing to learn and excited about our lessons on Social Studies. I know I have done a good job as a teacher when a student tells me they enjoyed the lesson and had fun. That is the most important goal to me-for children to have fun while learning. I am also glad that Mrs.Benfer enjoyed our lessons as well. She would always give us positive compliments on how great she thought our lessons were. She even told us how she would love to use some of our lessons in her own teaching! This was really reassuring to hear from a teacher. This gave me a positive outlook on my journey to becoming a teacher. Throughout this journey, I have grown as a teacher. I learned from my mistakes in each lesson. The students taught me something new everyday, and for that, I am grateful. Also, Dr.Smirnova played a great role in our journey as well. She helped us and gave us the advice we needed in order to create great lessons and become awesome teachers. 
Thank You Dr.Smirnova, Mrs.Benfer, and the 4th grade class!

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