Saturday, November 2, 2013

Current Events-Military Style schools

Today's Class: October 30,2013
In today's class, Ericka, Lindsay, and Alex presented their current events for the week. Alex read an article to the class called:  School's Military-Style Reboot Aims to Push Students Further". The article was about North Valley Military Institute located in Los Angeles, CA. At this school, they teach students military style. The school has a strict belief in discipline and rules. The article mentioned the different rules and demerits the students might get. The purpose for the school doing this is to get students to go to college. There were many arguments for and against this style used in schools. 
The teachers had the class listen to the article out loud twice. The first time, the class was to listen accurately to the article. The second time, the class had to practice note-taking skills and write down important facts while listening to the article. I thought this was a good way to reinforce note-taking skills for students. The teachers also reviewed the 5w's (who, what, when, where, and why)
This was my 3+ and a wish for this group:
Dear Ericka, Lindsay, Alex

+1. The presentation was organized
+2. I like how you practiced note taking skills
+3. All teachers had a loud and clear voice

I wish Alex could have slowed down a little when reading the article. 

Good Job!

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