Friday, November 15, 2013

Give the World a Hug!

Class- Monday, 11/11/13

     We started off Monday's class by standing in a circle. Dr.Smirnova has holding a soft globe. She said that each person had to throw the ball to someone. When the person caught the ball, they would have to hug it, and discuss an issue that is going on in the world, and as a teacher how would you address this issue to your class. Each person had a different cause they would like to change in the world and these topics ranged from: animals, nature, weather, people, etc. My issue in the world was that women in different countries are not allowed to have an education. As a teacher the way I would bring awareness to my students about this is by letting students know how grateful they should be that they have an opportunity to get an equal education in America. I suggested that my students could write letters to women in other countries and give them positive thoughts and inspire them to never give up. I really enjoyed this activity. It was great to hear everyone's opinion about what issues they are concerned with and what they would want to bring awareness to. I think this is a great activity to do with children. It pre-assesses their knowledge about Geography and Global awareness. It also gets the students up out of their seats and gets their minds thinking. I like how we "hug" the globe, because we only have one earth and we need to protect it! 
       After doing the globe activity, we went back to our seats and took quizzes using JogNog. One quiz was based on all geography questions. There were three levels. You could not reach the next level until you passed the previous one. The next quiz was based on random facts. I had fun taking the quiz, it was fairly simple. I think this is a fun approach to quiz making and fun for students to take as well. After taking our quizzes, Dr.Smirnova introduced the next activity we would be doing. We will be doing the Native American Jigsaw Puzzle project. We picked our expert groups, I picked the "Mochian tribe". We would continue this project on Friday.

Class-& Friday, 11/15/13
"Native American Jigsaw Project"
Today in class we continued with our Native American Jigsaw projects. I am in the expert group the "Mochians". I am working with Anne and Caitlyn. Dr.Smirnova gave us the time in class to research. We have to create a powerpoint presentation and add in research based on certain criteria which included: history, geography, culture, food, habitat, and famous people. So far, we have collected several pictures and gathered information that we have incorporated into the powerpoint. We will be presenting our finding to the class on Monday.

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